Happy Monday!!! Who else is ready for a new week?
In my last post I talked about scheduling some 'you-time' to help you rest and recharge on weekends. The art print photo I'm sharing features a roadway through a small coastal village. I live in a small coastal village and we had awesome weather this weekend.
Our town was crazy busy with tourists taking advantage of the first of the warm summer-like weekend to do a drive by the lake and check out the shops. On Mondays things are considerably quieter and I’m back in my studio ready to get back to making art.
I found a quote that I often think about as I lay in bed trying to wake up, but it feels even more applicable on Monday mornings. "Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up & chase them." - Kristin, Sophisticated Gal Monday sets the tone for the week, that's why if you choose a mindset where you embrace actions that steer you towards your goals, you will inevitably move in that direction.
What goals are you working towards this week? If you don't mind sharing let me know in the comments. If you found the mindset from this post helpful, I have a collection of resources including quote art printables, and an ebook/workbook bundle designed to help inspire you to uncover your own personal goals so you can create the life you want to live.
To check it out go to Inspire Your Year