A busy bee enjoys one of my pink coneflowers. I was outside bbq-ing and while waiting to stir the veggies I took a stroll around the garden to see what was blooming and was very happy to see many bees flittering about doing bee stuff. They don't call them busy bees for nothing. I love seeing how plants we nurture, n turn nurtures everything else www.CathyHorvath.com
A busy bee
A busy bee enjoys one of my pink coneflowers. I was outside bbq-ing and while waiting to stir the veggies I took a stroll around the garden to see what was blooming and was very happy to see many bees flittering about doing bee stuff. They don't call them busy bees for nothing. I love seeing how plants we nurture, n turn nurtures everything else www.CathyHorvath.com