Tulip Fence Painting

tulip fence flat lay

'Tulip Fence I (of 2) otherwise known as a 'diptych' (I spell this word wrong pretty much every time). It means a work of art that consists of 2 panels.

'Tulips Fence I' also has a companion piece 'Tulips Fence II'. In this set, each painting can stand on its own as an individual piece but has more impact when both are present. ⁠

You may have seen this painting before in the store or in online art print shops. This set of 2 paintings was licensed through my art agent to various wall art companies but THIS is the original one-of-kind painting, the real deal, and you can own it!⁠ .⁠

This 12"x12" framed original painting and its companion piece are now available for purchase in my online studio! Either separately, or together for a special price.⁠

To see this and the whole bright colorful FLOWERSCAPE COLLECTION

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