Thanks so much for coming back and joining me for the second exciting day of the 'Summer Seaside Collection' reveal!!!!!!
The two paintings revealed today (below) are all about scenic waterside lighthouse views.
If you take a drive along the coast, any coast, it's usually punctuated by little towns and villages. At the heart of many of these communities is a lighthouse, more times than not, it's a picturesque relic and serves as a reminder of a bygone era. I love these villages, they remind me of the lovely lakeside port that I live in. It's nice to know that a simple way of life can still be found, where folks still stop and chat at the post office, and the fishing boats still leave the harbor long before the sun comes up.
These two paintings let you enjoy the rustic joy of a coastal village in summer, bringing a happy cozy feel into your heart and home.
Cathy : )
Pop on over to my website each day to check out the COLLECTION PAGE
Also, be sure to sign up to my art studio email. Each day for the next week (between July 14th thru July 20th) I'll send an email featuring the two painting that are live for that day. Not to mention being on my list gets you all kinds of other nifty perks. SIGNUP