This weekend take it easy, relax, have a nap. Do whatever you do to recharge for the week ahead.
My dog does the napping thing no matter what day it is. I think he knows something, some K9 wisdom that regulates his behavior to keep his stress level low.
I haven't napped for years, can't seem to bring myself to do it with so much that needs to be done for my art biz. So I outsource the napping task to my dog. Like a nap VA (virtual assistant) he takes payment in food and treats lol. I'd say he also takes payment in hugs but no, that is another service that he offers, but not for free, he still requires treat payments. Nice work if you can get it!!!
Speaking of my art biz, if you'd like to see all the bright colorful art that helps pay for my K9 VA, shop my ART STUDIO COLLECTIONS