Lesson Now Playing

  • Lesson 1- Idea Source

    Come up with an idea & source inspiration

  • Lesson 2 - Materials

    Choose the materials you'll use for the project

  • Lesson 3 - Art Prep

    Sketch out the design based on source

  • Lesson 4 - Create

    Begin mixing paint and painting image

  • Lesson - 5 Critique

    Review your progress and adjust. Repeat as needed.

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Thank you!!

I enjoyed sharing my teachings with you and honored that you chose to come along on this artistic journey!!!

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This course is just a first step on the path to becoming more creative. The joy of expressing yourself through art is a valuable skill that will stay with you and add joy to your whole life.

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Hello Creatives!

Being creative and expressing what's in your heart and soul is open to every person.

Even though I've been a professional artist for the last 20 years, I wasn't always. I was where you are now and slowly took the steps that helped me fulfill my goal of learning to become an artist. It's a goal that that has enriched my life beyond measure.

I can help you takes those steps too, whether your goal is to learn how to create art for your own private pleasure, or whether you'd like to go on to make your living as an artist.

I'm here to be of service and help you get where you want to go, and show you path to your artistic journey!!